Finding Balance: The New To Do List You Need

With the shift in our day to day I am living by to do lists. This is one I have always used and love.

I think that more and more people have been addressing the negative hustle culture mindset. You don’t need to be crazy busy ALL the time EVERY day. I think that we pride ourselves on staying busy. If you aren’t moving right now you aren’t moving forward in some way. I’m trying to look at this positively by thinking of quarantine as “the gift of time.”

I am a to do list queen. I live by them. I’ve lived and loved them since I was little. I will write down lists in notebooks, sticky notes and on my iPhone notepad and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. As a strategy to feel productive I created a sectioned to do list. You need three things in life. “One to keep you healthy, one to make you money and one to keep you passionate.” I made a new version of my to do list that was broken up in a way with headers like this. I sometimes combine personal with body.


Here is an example that I found for how I used this a while back:

Also sometimes I will put super simple things on it like “do the dishes” or “long hot shower” just so I can feel productive.

I also sometimes have an apartment section because moving into a new space can feel overwhelming and that to do list alone can be massive. 

Crossing off these little tasks can make us feel productive and on top of things.. I feel like also dedicating time to different parts of our life. For example, I could compile a massive to do list of cleaning and work that I need to do but I’m probably going to feel burnt out and like I did not get to any thing I wanted to do for work that day.

Here is a template that you can screenshot to use for your own! I also love love the iPhone notepad app because it makes little bubbles that you can check off and it will move those checked off tasks to the bottom – holy satisfying.

I personally am such a night owl and could stay awake until the sun came up doing something if it were up to me. Joe literally keeps me accountable to be a normal human and go to sleep haha. I think that a way to feel recharged is no matter what even if something carry over into the next day, just shutting your phone off and still trying to go to bed at a reasonable hour. We need our sleep!!

I hope that this can help you in some way to organize your day and feel productive!

